Honoring the Sabbath

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Exodus 20:8

As a Singaporean, productivity is engrained into our culture. While we are not as hardworking as our Chinese or Japanese counterparts, we are nonetheless tireless workers. I, too, am brought up that way. To be productive with my time and to pack my schedule as much as possible to accomplish as much as possible. Our time is short anyway.

Even after I was found by God, that part of me never really changed. I never stood around waiting for things to come to me. I always sought out and seize opportunities whenever available. But time and again, the best opportunities open to me were the ones that fell into my lap. I asked God at every turn, “Should I take this path? Do this now? Take this job?” But often times, it’s “No” or silence. And then when I least expect it, He presents a door. It’s as if He’s saying, “Wait, I have something better for you.” And so, bit by bit, I learnt to rest and move at His pace and His timing.

And it all began, I believe, with learning to honor the Sabbath.

One day a week. No doing conscious work. Rest and relax.

It doesn’t mean I don’t do the chores. It doesn’t mean I don’t take care of the kids. It doesn’t mean I let the world revolve around me that day. It means I don’t do the things that stress me out from Monday to Saturday. It means I don’t continue working on that journal paper. It means I don’t script or film a YouTube video. It means I spend quality time with my family. It means I spend quality time worshipping God and fellowshipping with others in church. It means I let my mind, body and soul rest on the Seventh day that God, too, rested after creation is finished.

If I don’t learn to consecrate 24 hours of my week towards resting, I’m pretty sure I won’t be willing to consecrate other parts of my life when God requires.

Start with rest, start with honoring the Sabbath.


The Bible is written wrong